miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018


In this part, I want to share with you a short reflection about my English learning process during this semester.

I did different jobs that allowed me to develop my strengths in the four language skills:

Writing: I made a short essay in which I could give my point of view on a certain topic: environmental problems and technology.

Reading: I did quizzes in which I had to answer questions putting into practice all the topics seen.

Listening: I did some quizzes in which I had to practice my listening skill. Some conversations were a bit complicated for me but with practice I could understand very well and I chose right answers to the questions.

Speaking: I did a video in which I could talk about my childhood. I also made a brief introduction of myself. I must admit that my speaking is not the best but I am working on this.

In conclusion, my English learning process was very short but useful. I learned more vocabulary, I learned grammatical structures, I could introduce myself and I gave my opinion about a topic in written and oral way. I will continue working hard in the study of English language.

Resultado de imagen para learning english

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