miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018

The future of the human race threatened by technology?

I wrote this short essay as a reflection about this topic.

The future of the human race threatened by technology?

Nowadays, people need technology every day. For working, for studying, even as a hobby, among other reasons. Technology is present in everything and we believe that without it, we cannot live.

However, technology has made us advance in so many things (for example, maintain contact with people around the world, treat diseases, work easily, know the world without leaving home, among others), also it has made us back in our house: the planet Earth. This is how we with desire to "advance", we are destroying our home without measure. This is happening before our eyes and this is undeniable, although we ignore it.

Currently, "consumerism culture " is essential for us and mortal for our planet. The exploitation of natural resources, deforestation, global warming, destruction of the ozone layer are some of the deadly symptoms that our planet is experiencing; and we do nothing because we prefer to continue to see life pass through our smart phones and we discard them at the first damage they have, or simply because a new model has already come out.

Clearly, there is a solution that although it will not improve one hundred percent our planet situation, it will generate notable changes. As Earth’s population, we must put in place the solutions with which we can contribute to improve this situation, at this moment, because tomorrow will be very late.

Some solutions that we could apply are:

       ·To establish schedules for the use of technological devices, especially in children and adolescents.

       ·To sensitize people about "consumerism culture" and how we can combat it.

      ·To generate reforestation in each place where trees are cut down.

      ·To promote the recycling culture in homes and schools.

      ·To give talks that generate environmental awareness in everybody.

    Now, we have solutions but not only written, solutions need to carry out and all of us, we could save our beautiful house called Earth planet.

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